Thursday, December 07, 2006

All my friends are getting married ...

I am blessed to count my sons as good friends ... so I guess it's true.

Shane is engaged to Kim (from Thailand/Norway) and so we are off to Thailand for a wedding next year. They reckon that surprises come as a surprise !!! and this one came from left field. It's been a whirlwind romance, with Shane meeting her at Chiang Rai DTS earlier this year - falling in love - arranging for Kim to visit Perth recently to meet the family (country cousins included) and then making the decision on a recent visit to DTS base in Chiang Rai to go back and staff a DTS next year with Kim.

And Thomas has a Thai girlfriend (Tuu is her name) whom he met during DTS in Chiang Mai early this year.

As I said, all my friends are getting married ...

And I know someone else who met a nice girl at Chaing Rai DTS ... but thats a secret! And he's a friend ...

Punish those YWAM Discipleship Training Schools.



Anonymous said...

All I can say is, good thing your daughter's not doing a DTS yet ;) Gotta love the YWAM love.

Anonymous said...

Hey lucky father! My daughter [19 year] is on the LogosII. What will happen there? ;)

cybeRanger said...

Your blog has been awarded
"Best Christian Blog of the Week".
Check it out at

Have a lovely, joyfulful and peaceful Christmas! :)

Anonymous said...

As you know, I'm not one for being mushy in public. In fact,I sometimes have trouble being mushy anywhere! Well, this is NOT one of those occasions. Talking about marriages, I want to say that ours is the absolute best:)
And, just a loving hint for you husbands-to-be : self-sacrificial love will also make your marriages the best! Of course, I know you know this, because you have your Dad as a wonderful example.
Kaz x

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the mushy part is...Steve, you're the absolute best husband!
Kaz x

Servant said...

sorry for the delay pi steve. i dont know if i just missed that post, or what happened. so here's my comment. punish those weddings man!! those two friends that you have... who are they? they sound a lot like a couple that i know!! ;) to quote a wise woman of the faith, gotta love the ywam love.
your friend...