Saturday, February 19, 2005

We're back ...

Wow, it's Saturday afternoon, and we're back home from Thailand (well Karen, Camille and myself anyway). We got in about 8-00 this morning, and got picked up from the airport by our precious niece Phillipa (thanks Pip) and when we got home we quickly freshened up, got dressed up, and headed off to the Art Gallery of WA to see Camille's two selected paintings being exhibited in the Year 12 Perspectives show. Bumped into my old English teacher from Merredin High School whom I haven't seen in yonks. He even sort of remembered me ... scary.

As we were driving into Perth to the exhibition, we were playing a new Hillsongs CD that Karen just bought. Track 5 really got to me. I kept hitting the replay button so that I could hear it over and over. You know how sometimes a song just grabs you and won't let go - this was one of them. As I listened to it speaking about how the Lord is my Shepherd, and how the enemy cannot touch me because I am a child of the Most High God, my spirit started to well up inside of me. I started feeling all hot, and thought at any moment I would burst into tears - not a pretty sight for a 40 something year old man with his wife and daughter sitting in the car - doing 100Kmh down the freeway. Sometimes a song just connects - Spirit to spirit - and before I know it I am overwhelmed! It's interesting that one of my favourite songs is Hillsongs' "Overwhelmed" - and every time I listen to it I get truly overwhelmed by the message it brings, and the emotions that it releases in me. I can't listen to it without tears welling up in my eyes, and a deep sense of His Holy Spirit's presence. I believe that these songs are "truly annointed" songs, and they carry an annointing that is released upon the listener. When I listen to songs like them, words of knowledge and understanding start to flow, and God speaks deeply into my heart about things that matter a lot to me (just typing this blog, I can feel the Holy Spirit rising up inside of me).

I'd only just looked over at Karen minutes before the song started, and noticed that she was crying. I didn't have to ask her what was wrong ... I sensed it in my spirit that she was grieving about being back, and leaving Thomas behind in Thailand for another 4.5 months. Immediately I felt that same grief, and was thinking about how hard it is to leave someone behind whom you deeply love and miss. And then that song started playing (God's timing is ALWAYS perfect) and He started speaking to my spirit the verse from Matthew 16: 24-25 which goes like this ... "if anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.
For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it."

I knew immediately it was a word of comfort for Karen and me, and later realised that it was a word for Thomas too. When I got home I checked my emails, and there was a prophetic bulletin update from Rick Joyner - and there on page 5 was that passage from Matthew 16: 24-25. I realised then that God was sealing that word into my heart. And strange as it may seem, that word of comfort convinced me once again that it is all worth it. I know that God has Thomas exactly where he wants him to be for now.

To worship at his new home church in Chiang Mai, to meet his "adopted mum", and to meet his church family, and to be honoured guests at a dinner held for all of us was overwhelming. I know it will be months until we see him again, but I would rather release my son into God's puropse for his life and to see our life of nurturing him "in the way that he should go" come to fulfillment in his destiny, than to be selfish and try to hold onto him.

I am so blessed to have three wonderful children who all want to "seek, serve, and follow Christ". The only thing the Boy's Brigade motto should have added to the end of it is ... "to the ends of the earth". We were destined to be a missionary family.

I am so happy that Shane was able to stay on with his bro' in Thailand for another three weeks ... just to hang out and do the things that brothers do!

The enemy cannot touch him because he is a child of the MOST HIGH GOD. The Lord is my Shepherd, and I will lack nothing. He is my rod and my staff, and He comforts me. He leads me beside still and peaceful waters. He prepares a place for me at His table.

Hallelujah! Prajow san dee (Thai for "God is good")!

Abiding in Him, hiding in Him, abandoned to Him,

Friday, February 04, 2005

Proverbs 3:5

I'm sitting here at my computer at work, and my eyes just caught the little verse of scripture that I keep propped up against the monitor. Its from Proverbs 3: 5 and reads like this ...

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths."

I often stop during the day to ponder that verse.

On the back of the card in faded biro is a message that says ...

"To Stephen
Love Mum & Dad
Happy 32nd!!!

I am so blessed to have the most wonderful Mother-in-law, and even though my Father-in-law has gone to eternity, my memories of him are precious too. After all, with God's help, they created the most beautiful girl to walk the face of this earth ... my wife Karen.

And I suspect that Mum didn't know, but a piece of her sits in front of me every day at work in the form of this amazing little scripture card that serves to remind me of the truth ... that my Heavenly Father loves me.

Hallelujah! That card has inspired me for the past 15 years.

I'm going to have a great day. God has truly blessed me! I think I'll put some worship music on and let His goodness overwhelm me while I work.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

This is the day that the Lord has made ...

Well, today has been an interesting kind of day. Thursdays are always kinda different.

My son Shane got his logs today - only a short jump from here to actually having his drivers license. Now comes the car, fuel, rego, insurance, tyres, etc ... yahoo ... look what you've got to look forward to Shane. A moped is beginning to sound good :D)

Some good things have happened today ... not all of it has been good news ... but being told the truth is better than not knowing at all. To finally be told why someone has been holding up progress on an important project means at least I am now equipped to deal with the matter. Sometimes people do not realise the effects of their actions, but it can seriously affect a small business when people are pedantic and sit on important paperwork. If there is any good outcome from this revelation today it would be that I am more determined to cross my I's and dot my T's when dealing with the unknown. Give ol Nick (Satan to the uninitiated) an inch and he will take a mile. Have to constantly remind myself that he is under my feet, and that I am the Head and not the tail.

I'm reminded of the Robin Mark song where the lyrics go ...
"This is the day that the Lord has made,
We were meant to rejoice and be glad in it ..."

I don't necessarily have to rejoice in the day itself (or the situation), but in it's Creator ... the awesome living God ... the God who has declared that He knows the thoughts that He has towards me, and that they are good thoughts. Like all other battles where we may feel powerless, this one will almost certainly be won on my knees!

Well I've shared whats on my mind today. I know that I can do all things through Christ, whose power, whose love, whose wisdom, whose Spirit ... strengthens me.

Can't wait for next week. Off to Thailand to see Thomas. Holidays here I come!!! I can taste the Tom Yum already ...