Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Back to front is good ...

Have you ever heard sayings which when mixed up a little, make a whole lot more sense?

Here's a couple of well known sayings (or not so well known - depending on where you're from) and their rehashed context.

1. "That person is so heavenly minded that they are of no earthly use"
... and turned inside out by Steve Beckingham to read ...
"That person is so earthly minded that they are of no heavenly use".

2. "Don't just stand there - do something"
... and turned inside out by Mark Geppart - author of The Attack Lambs - to read ...
"Don't just do something - stand there (and pray!!!)".

3. "I'll believe it when I see it"
... and turned inside out by Kirsten Williams - YWAM New Zealand - to read ...
"We'll see it when we believe it".

If anyone has anymore sayings that make more sense when reversed, then leave a comment!

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