Monday, January 16, 2006

Why house church isn't the answer ...

Found an interesting article by Wayne Jacobsen on the website "" which has an excellent discussion on why "House Church" may not always be the answer people are looking for.

Here is a small excerpt ...

We've taught for years the mistaken notion that we need to go to church to fill up on the life of God. Not true! We can only fill up on God's life through a transforming relationship with the Father through his Son. We were never meant to come to fill ourselves with church, but to live full of him and then share his life together with God's people.

Here is the problem with most of what passes for church life today, including many house churches: Rather than teaching people how to live dependent on Jesus Christ, it supplants that dependency by its misguided attempt to take the place of Jesus in people's lives. Instead of teaching them how to live in him, they make them dependent on the structures and gatherings of what we call church. Our expressions of church life just become another thing to stand in the way of people living deeply and fully in him.

It's well written, and Wayne earnestly encourages people to centre their dependence on Jesus himself. Well worth taking the time to read in my opinion, as are many of the other articles on website. Click here to read the full article.

Oh... and by the way, we recently left a mainstream Pentecostal church to join a brand new home church.

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