Tuesday, July 13, 2004

The world keeps spinning ...

Well, it's Tuesday night, and it feels like it should be Friday already. Sunday night at Bethel Life Centre was full on ... worship was great ... and work has been flat out these past two days. And tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that will be no different at this rate.

The guy that works for me (Brett) had some sad news first thing Monday morning. His younger brother was involved in a very serious car accident on Friday night, and is still in a coma in RPH. I am praying that God will use this situation to impact him with the gospel of truth and life. I trust that he will soon realise that there is absolutely no hope without Christ.

My oldest son Thomas (www.tomdts.blogspot.com)is currently in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand with YWAM. He will be staffing DTS for the next two years, and is at the moment busily learning more Thai with a tutor.

My other son Shane (4myking.blogspot.com) has just started a new job in graphics for a printing company here in Perth, and is also involved in schools and youth ministries at Thornlie Church of Christ.

My daughter (youngest) Camille is in year 12 at Thornlie Christian College, where she is the School Capain (Head Girl). I've just read her mid year report - wow - I'm impressed. God has truly blessed me with three wonderful children who are a huge blessing to me.

The person who keeps me sane is my beautiful wife Karen, who is truly a gift from God. She is delightful to know, and is my best friend (on this earth at least). In a few months we will celebrate 23 years of memorable marriage - full of blessings and a fair smattering of tough times - but the grace of God helps you to finish the race. Every difficulty overcome is another stone added to the foundations to make us stronger. ("On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand ...")

Quote for today: "The Lord's blessing is our greatest treasure - all our work adds nothing to it." Proverbs 10:22

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